Sunday, July 10, 2011

Poem as a devotion in CPE

On our class days, one of us has the responsibility of opening and closing devotions. Katie, our resident poet, led us through the process of writing a poem as a devotional. Here is my poem.

Listening to my GPS giving directions
I am excited, scared, hopeful, yearning
And yet fearful of acrid assaults and huffing pinging machines

I find the normal inside the absurd
Sharing voices under pressure
Confusion displacing personal anchors
As machines hum
I hear “Can I help you find your way?” and am comforted.

Most frightening I find bodies, eyes closed, mouths open, faces slack
Huffing, pinging machines, where
Words won’t touch or ease
Can I touch her?
Can I hold his hand and pray together?

At its best it is just friends helping friends
Ducklings following momma
Being bridging the abyss
Presence illuminating

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this poem!
    Is it OK if I share it as my Inspirational Reading for CPE.
    English is my second language, and I can write stories, but poem, is another realm that I haven't crossed yet. I'll get there, though!
    I loved your poem, though and it will be so encouraging, Nancy!
