Wednesday, April 20, 2011

30 days to Graduation!

I have 30 days until graduation. Yes, on May 20, 2011 at 10.30 in the morning, the Good Lord willing, I will receive my Masters of Divinity from the Church Divinity School of the Pacific. I started taking classes back in 2007 and I have to say that I’m looking forward to being done.

During the next 30 days, I have lots of work to do. For my Pastoral Theology class I have a final project and final exam. For the project, I will make a presentation on a pastoral issue and resources available. I’ve chosen to focus on pastoral rites of passages such as QuinceaƱera, house blessings, celebration of life on a significant birthday, and divorce. I’m exploring what are the basic elements and structure for nourishing and effective rituals.

For my Church Music Class, I have to chant the parts of the Eucharist that are sung such as the Collect for Purity ‘Almighty God, to you all hearts are open, all desires known,’ the Sursum Corda ‘lift up your hearts…’, the collect, the gospel, the dismissal, and etc. [Eight parts in all]. As most of you know, I’m not a skilled singer and I’ve had a steep learning curve. When I walk Reuben [the wonder dog, with whom I live], I put in the ear buds of my iPod and chant the parts. The neighbors have gotten use to me. They’ve stop running into their homes and locking the doors. No one has called the cops in weeks!

For my Issues in Ministry class, a group of five of us has been given a scenario that we will respond to and put together a portfolio of our response. The scenario I have is the fictitious Trinity Church, a small inner city parish with a combined problem of an aging congregation and growing homelessness in the neighborhood. We’ll create a worship plan with sermon outlines, a response to the challenges of gentrification, outreach to the elderly in our congregation and in our neighborhood who are food insecure and facing other economic problems. I am enjoying collaborating with my fellow students, as most of the work I do here is solo.

In two weeks, I’ll lead a funeral with a Eucharist in my Liturgical Leadership class. In this class, we practice leading different liturgies in completely realistic circumstances. The class is held in the chapel, we wear all the cool vestments, and at our practice baptism, we ‘baptized’ a beautiful 3-year-old boy. CDSP has its own coffin, which I’ll used while leading the practice funeral. I’ve asked for volunteers for ‘deacon’ and ‘lay assistant’ but I don’t need to ask for a volunteer decedent. We don’t replicate that part. I will create a bulletin and make the worship choices—the music and the readings, etc. I also will lead a Sunday Eucharist for practice. Presiding at the Table, even in practice, brings smiles to my face. Presiding is my heart’s desire.

Assuming I get all these things done, graduation here we come! Then what’s next?

I’m required to do clinical pastoral education [CPE], which is serving an internship as a chaplain for 3 months along with supervision and training. The summer CPE is full time 40 hours a week plus on call. And surprisingly I have to pay for the CPE training and they don’t pay me for the work.

Dennis j+ and Peter Fones+ both told me to apply to programs early. I waited too long, even though I started in February. I contacted all the CPE sites in Oregon with no success. Either they don’t offer a summer program, all the positions are yearlong residencies, or all the spots are filled. Then I turned to the Bay Area. I could continue to live with my friends, Sharon and Monza. But after looking, no spots within a one and a half hour commute. Then I thought of my brother in Denver. Since all of the Level I CPE units are non-stipendiary, I still need to work and I’d rather not have to pay for room and board in a second home.

I found one opening within an hour of Denver but I was the fourth applicant. Somehow, God moved and the supervisor selected me. The good news is I can stay with my brother and complete the CPE. The bad news is the program begins May 31, so I’ll have to leave May 27 to drive to Denver and have a day to unpack. I will only be home for a week.

I was looking forward to a restful break and a chance to be with my people at athe Church of the Resurrection and St. Johnsh. Most CPE summer units begin mid-June. Unfortunately, I’ll be home only for the week before I head off to Denver. I won’t be with my peeps until after I complete the CPE program. CPE will end August 19. Once again counting on the Good Lord, I should be back in Oregon by the end of August. Then I will meet with the Bishop and the Commission on Ministry for my final interview before ordination. I’m praying to be ordained to the transitional deaconate in September 2011.

I thank you for all of your support and prayers. It has been hard to be away from Kathleen, my children, my dog, Ladybug, and my work. And it has been hard to be away from you, my community of support and service. I miss worshiping, singing, and learning with you. I know we remain connected in the communion of saints yet I miss being in your loving presence. May God continue to bless us all.

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